Brittini R. Brown

Brittini R. Brown is a second year doctoral student in the Department of Youth Development and Agricultural Education at Purdue University. She currently serves as the Coordinator of Strategic Planning, Partnership, and Development for Mentoring@Purdue, an initiative aimed at enhancing mentoring relationships between faculty, and women and underrepresented minority students pursuing STEM-based agricultural and life science graduate degrees in the Purdue University, College of Agriculture. In her role with the M@P initiative, Brittini developed and secured funding for the inaugural M@P Summer Scholars Program, which provided scholarships to students from two 1890 Historically Black Land-Grant Universities. These students were able to engage with faculty and students, explore research opportunities, and consider graduate study at Purdue. Brittini’s research interests include human capacity development of women and URMs in STEM, mentoring, partnerships between Land-Grant Universities, and higher education policy and leadership. Brown has also served as an evaluation and assessment professional for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and as the Interim Lead of the USDA/1890 National Initiative. Brittini holds a B.S. in Regulatory Science from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and a M.S. in Industrial and Agricultural Technology from Iowa State University.