Elmira Mangum

Mangum has served at the executive level of nationally recognized organizations of higher learning for more than 30 years. Leaving a significant mark on several great universities in the areas of financial planning, budgeting, resource management, and organizational effectiveness.
From 2010 until her appointment at FAMU, Mangum served as vice president for planning and budget at Cornell University. As a change agent, Mangum was credited with leading a dynamic overhaul that helped Cornell overcome a structural deficit stemming from the economic downturn.
Prior to her role as Cornell’s VP for planning and budget, she served as senior associate provost at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, vice provost at the University of Buffalo and operations specialist at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. She also held faculty appointments at Cornell's Johnson School of Management, the UNC Chapel Hill School of Government, and the University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education.