Estefany Lopez

Estefany Lopez is a Ph.D. student studying English at New York University’s Graduate School of Arts and Science. She received her B.A. in English from Florida International University (FIU). Her research encompasses critical theory, particularly Marxist and Critical Race criticisms, as well as philosophies of language and minority literature. Her areas of interest are 20th-21st century U.S. Literature, and the intersections of literary discourse with contemporary cultural and political formations. She is also interested in postmodern aesthetics and its application to questions of identity, community, and meaning. After attending the Salzburg Global Citizenship Seminar in 2016, she has been interested in cosmopolitanism and the dynamics of cultural exchange. In Fall 2017, she was awarded the Butler Waugh Scholarship from the English Department at FIU. Prior to beginning her doctoral studies, Estefany worked as a tutor and mentor at the Student Support Services Program at FIU, a capacity which has deepened her appreciation of multicultural and inclusive approaches to education.