Jason K. Johnson

Jason K. Johnson, who has a doctorate in social foundations of education from Oklahoma State University, has dedicated his career to institutions of higher education. Since 2017, he has been the executive director of the Department of Enrollment Management at Langston University. His resume also includes positions at Oklahoma State University and the University of Oklahoma after beginning his career at Langston University in 2003. Jason’s research on the impact of study abroad programs on in-service teacher preparation has been a valuable contribution to the field. In 2017, he received the Critical Thought Presentation Award at the Critical Questions in Education Conference. In 2012, he was recognized as the District Brother of the Year for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, and was Advocate of the Year for the NAACP’s Oklahoma State University Chapter. Jason has been a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity since 2003, and has been the social chair for the Oklahoma State University Alumni Association for 10 years. Jason started a nonprofit organization that works with children with incarcerated parents. He also volunteers with the Alpha Boys Institute, working with middle school boys in inner city schools. With Man Up, a program hosted by the Oklahoma City Police Department, Johnson helps develop the curriculum and outing for boys who are at high-risk for gang activity. Jason and his wife, Courtney Barrett-Johnson, have three children: Aiden, Ashlyn and Austin.