Jibril Bing

Jibril Bing is a native New Yorker and a current sophomore at Stella and Charles Guttman Community College. He is an avid skateboarder who has always tried to find ways to mesh his love of skating with ways to reach individuals to improve their skating skills while also helping them develop determination, perseverance, and encouraging them not to quit in the face of failure. Since a young teenager, he has been trying to find ways to create something out of the things he loves to do like skateboarding that generates income for underprivileged people while also helping improve their daily life. Jibril believes going to London will give him the chance to reach people who share his love of skateboarding so he can take these common interests and build a community of people who can use skating as a way to highlight and address major issues in their country and community and take action to improve individual lives affected by these issues with the use of skateboarding.