Lakisha Sanders

Lakisha Sanders is an Assistant Vice President of Financial Aid Services and Veterans Affairs for Valencia College with over 24 years of experience in financial aid. She has held various roles in financial aid, gained experience working for private and public 4-year and 2-year public institutions, and was a traveling Financial Aid Ellucian Banner Consultant. Sanders enjoys working in financial aid to serve students, families, the community, the financial aid college and university community, and professional associations. She has spent many years in leadership roles for her state and regional financial aid associations to share resources with other financial aid administrators and develop training opportunities. Lakisha Sanders is a Past President of the Georgia Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (GASFAA) and served on the GASFAA board for 6 years in various board positions and on the Southern Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Association (SASFAA) board for 4 years in various board positions including representing Georgia as the GASFAA President. Sanders enjoys being a lifelong learner. She earned her Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Digital Marketing and Master of Strategic Leadership and Development from Clayton State University, her Bachelor of Information Technology from Georgia Southern University, and her Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communication from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. She is working on earning her Doctorate of Higher Education Leadership with Clark Atlanta University. Sanders has two boys and enjoys every moment of family time. She enjoys attending her son’s chorus concerts, being a track and soccer sports mom, singing, reading books, and going to the movies.