Latoya Johnson

Latoya Johnson is currently an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Langston University in Langston, OK. She was born and raised in Muskogee, OK and currently resides in Edmond, OK. Growing up, math was one of her favorite subjects, so she was inspired to pursue math as a career. When she started college, being a teacher was not her first choice, but she is glad that it was her final choice.
She received a Bachelors of Science in Mathematics, as well as a Masters in Mathematics Education from Northeastern State University. After teaching high school math for 4 years, she decided to pursue her Ph.D. Latoya received her Ph.D in Mathematics Education in the Summer of 2020. Being a first generational college graduate in her family, this was one of her major accomplishments in life. Teaching has brought so much joy to her life and she loves the fact that she gets to help students see the joy in math on a daily basis. When she is not teaching, she spends time with her family. Latoya has a 13-year-old daughter and she’s been married to her wonderful husband for 3 years. Her daughter is in drama and loves to perform in school musicals, plays basketball, and does competitive power tumbling, so being her biggest supporter is Latoya’s other full-time job.