Lyrianne Gonzalez

Lyrianne González is a senior at California State University, Northridge majoring in both Chicana/o Studies and Psychology. Her research interests include 20th century U.S.-Mexico relations, borderlands, labor history, history of children and family, education history, migration history, and oral history. Lyrianne’s current research examines the untold stories of the children of Braceros (Mexican laborers imported to the U.S. from 1942-1964) who were raised or settled in the U.S., by putting archival material such as government documents (concerning the education of migrant children) into conversation with self-conducted oral histories of the children themselves. More specifically, she hopes to add to the existing literature surrounding the Bracero program by exploring the second generation’s varied experiences in relation to educational opportunities and their willingness to push for access to resources in education and/or social change.