Magana Kabugi

Magana Kabugi is an Assistant Professor of English and the Director of the Writing Center at Fisk University. His research and teaching interests include 20th and 21st century African American literature and culture, Black intellectual history, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). He is currently working on a book titled Turning Darkness Into Day: Historically Black Colleges and the Challenge of Higher Education in the Post-Civil Rights Era, which examines how HBCUs navigated America’s changing social, political, and educational landscape in the first two decades following desegregation. Magana's work has been featured in national publications such as HBCU Digest and Diverse Issues in Higher Education. In 2022, Magana was selected as an inaugural 2023 Research Fellow at Howard University’s Center for HBCU Research, Leadership, and Policy.