Rutgers GSE CMSI

Pablo Guillermo Reguerín

Pablo Guillermo Reguerín serves as the vice chancellor for the Division of Student Affairs at UC Davis. Reguerín is passionate about serving the whole student and is dedicated to cultivating partnerships on and off campus that advance this purpose. A career-long advocate for equity and diversity, Reguerín has prioritized equity initiatives designed to increase educational outcomes. 

Vice Chancellor Reguerín has made the largest investments at UC Davis in mental health, well-being programs, basic needs, advising, and paid student internships. He has secured over $17 million in grant funding and has broken records in donor fundraising every year during his tenure.

Before joining UC Davis in 2020, Reguerín served as the associate vice chancellor in the Division of Student Success at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where he led the UCSC Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Initiatives and student retention initiatives. Reguerín served as the principal investigator on multiple HSI grants totaling $16M in US Department of Education funding for STEM equity, advising, family programs, and career-based programs. 

Reguerín earned his doctorate in Educational Leadership (Ed.D.) from the UC Davis School of Education CANDEL (Capitol Area North Doctorate in Educational Leadership) Program. He also holds Latino and Latin American Studies degrees from UC Santa Cruz and Educational Leadership from Teachers College, Columbia University.