Sissy S. Wong

Sissy S. Wong is an assistant professor of science education at the University of Houston. Her scholarship focuses on the impact of content-specific induction and mentoring that emphasizes equity and social justice, development of nature of science knowledge in elementary and secondary science teachers, and effective online instruction of the STEM disciplines. She has been involved in research regarding induction and mentoring, as well as the beliefs and practices of science teachers since 2008. She has multiple professional presentations and peer-reviewed publications on these topics. Sissy received the Journal of Research in Science Teaching’s paper of the year award in 2012 for a paper she co-authored on the impact of induction programs on beginning secondary science teachers. She was also acknowledged by the National Science Teachers Association in 2014 for a paper that examined the role of content-specific induction on laboratory practices of beginning secondary science teachers. Sissy has been teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in science education since 2008. She has also designed and implemented teacher professional development workshops and conference sessions on various topics relevant to effective science teaching and science teacher development.