Sonia Mae Brown

Sonia Mae Brown was born in the United Kingdom and was raised in Brooklyn, New York. Sonia Brown’s research areas are eroticism, sexuality, gender, and queer theory. Her interests include black women’s subjectivity, black female sexuality, sex as a discursive act, language, power, and popular culture. As a self-proclaimed “eroticist” or sexual anthropologist, Dr. Brown is dedicated to enriching the current scholarship on “The Erotic” and exploring the potential for eroticism to be seen as a critical lens of textual inquiry. She is currently working on an essay titled “The Sadomasochistic Impulse in James Baldwin’s Literature.” She holds a Masters in English with a focus in Creative and Professional Writing from Long Island University and a PhD in English Literature with a focus in African American Literature from Howard University. She is currently an Assistant Professor of English at Langston University.