Thai-Huy Nguyen
Senior Research Associate

Thai-Huy Nguyen is a Policy Researcher at the Rand Corporation and a Senior Research Associate for the Rutgers Center for Minority Serving Institutions. His work clusters around the role of broad access institutions—including community colleges and MSIs—in mitigating racial and social class inequality. Recent projects include exploring the contributions of HBCUs in diversifying the STEM and professional health workforce, a five-year ethnographic study on the pathways to a four-year STEM degree for low- income students at community colleges and a national study on AANAPISIs. Thai-Huy is co- author of Making Black Scientists: A Call to Action, which was recently published by Harvard University Press. His work has also been published in the Review of Research in Education, British Journal of Sociology of Education, American Educational Research Journal, The Review of Higher Education, and Teachers College Record. Funding for his research comes from the National Science Foundation, the Spencer Foundation and the Helmsley Charitable Trust. In 2017, Thai-Huy was recognized as an Emerging Scholar by Diverse Issues in Higher Education. Thai-Huy earned his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to his current role, Thai-Huy was an assistant professor at Seattle University.