Thomson J. Ling

Thomson J. Ling is the Dean of Liberal Arts at the County College of Morris. He was formerly the Associate Dean for the School of Psychology and Counseling at Caldwell University. As an inclusive and collaborative leader, he believes that leadership in higher education requires a servant-leader lens as well as a strong support of shared governance.
In his career, he has held various positions at all levels within academic institutions, includingboth academic affairs and student affairs. He has worked with faculty, administrators, staff, and student constituents to create and implement strategic plans that reflect the priorities of multiple stakeholders, including expanding program offerings and establishing relationships with community partners. These initiatives have promoted high quality educational experiences for students and support for continuing faculty development. As a champion of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice, Thomson has presented nationally on how institutions can prepare students to contribute to an increasingly diverse society. In spearheading antiracism and multicultural initiatives, he has created professional development workshops, provided guidance on culturally responsive pedagogy, and recommended best practices for recruiting and retaining a diverse faculty and staff.
Thomson holds a PhD and MA in Counseling Psychology from the University of Maryland, and a BA in Psychology from the University of Maryland.