Victor Hurtado

Victor Hurtado recently earned his B.A. in Art History with a minor in Intelligence and National Security Studies from The University of Texas at El Paso. His research interests include Venetian Renaissance art and cultural security. Victor has delivered conference papers titled A Turn of the Century Building: U.S. Post Office at the 3rd Annual Art History Symposium, Daesh: A Threat to Cultural Security at the National Security Studies Colloquium, A Portrait of a Man with Allegorical Symbols: Lorenzo Lotto on Vice and Virtue at the HSI Pathways Cross Institutional Conference, and The Rhetoric and Practices of Cultural (In)security at the 2018 International Studies Association Convention in San Francisco, California. He studied abroad in both Morocco and Italy, where he traveled and conducted research on late medieval and Renaissance art. A supporter of historic preservation in El Paso, Victor is a student intern at the Texas Trost Society’s Architectural Preservation Committee and former intern at the Texas Historical Commission in Austin.